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Possible corruption Tema’e, Mo’orea
Possible corruption - Tema'e, Mo'oreaIn the course of its activities and the various legal cases that have followed, we have come to suspect the existence of collusion, even corruption, between the Government and one of the most powerful men in the archipelago. Please...
Te Ara Fetu Project
Te Ara Fetu Project, on the way to the starsAtelier tira avec l'aide et la gentillesse de Bernie, que nous remercions au passage 🙏🏽 What if, like our Tupuna, we learned to guide ourselves by our stars? If you'd like to learn a little more about our sky and our stars,...
Inura’a ‘ava
Inura'a 'ava Saturday, April 29 at OpunohuTe mana o te moanis honoring several Mo'orea associations through the "ATIRA'A IA MO'OREA" project, with the aim of sharing cultural, environmental, scientific and social knowledge with the general public. We'd like to take...
Open letter Tema’e Mo’orea
Open Letter to Candidates for the Territoriales 2023Here is our Open Letter on the subject of Tema'e, Moorea, sent on April 03, 2023 to the 6 political leaders (out of 7) presenting candidates for the Territoriales 2023 . Mr. Edouard FRITCH, whose position on the...
Join the Association des Habitants de Tema’e
AHTM - Membership 2023Ia ora na Tatou, Hello everyone, We invite our members who wish to continue, to renew their membership via the following link: This message is also addressed to...
Temae controversy
On the front page of your April 2023 Pacific Pirates magazineCome aboard the 14th edition (APRIL MONTH) of your online news, business and culture magazine: 🌐 🎯À LA UNE - Controversy in Temae: the Country's purchase of swampy land belonging to...
Projet Atira’a ia Mo’orea
Atira'a ia Mo'orea projectFree training courses open to all, organized by Te Mana O Te Moana Join Mo'orea associations and specialists in specific themes for a day of training to share their cultural, environmental, scientific and social knowledge. The week's program:...
Public statement
Public statement by the Tāhei Autī ia Mo'orea Federation and the AHTM l'AHTMClick on image to enlarge.
5 things you didn’t know
5 things you didn't know about the Temae case3 billion 500 million program authorization in the country's general budget to purchase : 1 plot of 14,604 m2 located on Haapiti for nearly 894 million; 3 Temae plots totalling 18 hectares for close to 2 billion 500...