The first Tahei

The first Tāhei took place on To’oatea beach at Temae on Saturday, November 13, 2021 with over 2,000 people.

Tahei’ song

The first Tāhei’Autī ‘ia Mo’orea took up an ancient Fee chant “Te Hei Hono Rau”. Before any order organized by human beings, it was the values of the Fe’e that governed humans, Unity, Peace and Benevolence.

The interweaving of these 3 values inspired the creation of the Federation’s logo.

Each participant brought a braid made from 3 strands of ‘autī, a symbol of our values, but also of our alliance with the sky, the earth and the sea.

Te Hei Hono Rau

Tē firi nei tātou
ē hā hē,
Te taura toru fenu
ē hā hē,
Fa’atupu i te hau
ē hā hē,
Maita’i i te hō’ēra’a ē.

Key figures

The first Tahei was proof that the people of Mo’orea want to unite to defend their island. All generations, all social and cultural backgrounds were present at this event. All Mo’orea parishes were present: Afareaitu, Teavaro, Maharepa, Papetoai and Haapiti.


