AHTM – Membership 2023

Ia ora na Tatou, Hello everyone, We invite our members who wish to continue, to renew their membership via the following link: https://www.helloasso.com/associations/association-des-habitants-de-tema-e-moorea/ This message is also addressed to anyone interested in joining the AHTM. Once on the page,
  • click on Adhérer à nos activités
  • then on “Adhésion AHTM 2023 
  • and finally on J’adhère
  • don’t forget to click on the “+” of the meter, to the right of the 8.50 Euro amount
Via Hello Asso, you can also support our projects by donating to the ongoing legal action entitled “Sauvons la plage de Tema’e Moorea“. This option is also available to anyone wishing to make a personal donation to the AHTM for the current project. Once on the https://www.helloasso.com/associations/association-des-habitants-de-tema-e-moorea/,
  • click on Soutenir nos projets
  • then “Sauvons la plage de Tema’e Moorea 
  • and finally on Je m’engage
However, if you prefer, you can hand in your contribution against receipt. Thank you to all those who have paid their membership fees. Thank you to everyone who has made a donation. Mauruuru maitai, Sincerely yours, AHTM members.