AHTM – Membership 2023
Ia ora na Tatou, Hello everyone,
We invite our members who wish to continue, to renew their membership via the following link: https://www.helloasso.com/ associations/association-des- habitants-de-tema-e-moorea/
This message is also addressed to anyone interested in joining the AHTM.
Once on the page,
associations/association-des- habitants-de-tema-e-moorea/,
- click on “Adhérer à nos activités“
- then on “Adhésion AHTM 2023“
- and finally on “J’adhère“
- don’t forget to click on the “+” of the meter, to the right of the 8.50 Euro amount
- click on “Soutenir nos projets“
- then “Sauvons la plage de Tema’e Moorea“
- and finally on “Je m’engage“