2024 General Assembly Summary

Dear members and supporters, ‘Ia ora na and thank you for supporting us in our work as an association. We’re counting on you to make 2025 a better year than the last. So ‘Tahei “Auti ia Mo’orea” continues to vibrate with our Polynesian values for the well-being of our island, its inhabitants and beyond!

Over the past year, a number of actions have been carried out, events organised and initiatives taken by the Association. Of course, we’ve encountered difficulties along the way, but we’ve managed to overcome some obstacles, and today our commitment and collective momentum have slowed down and halted some devastatingly huge building projects.

In order to continue our mission to promote sustainable, well-thought-out development, we are looking at future directions and projects.

Culture remains the founding pillar of our association, reconnecting our people with their roots and values to ensure a promising future for our children.

Read the summary of the 2024 General Meeting.